Thursday, January 29, 2015

Hello, Welcome to my Blog!

My name is Leonard Yalong and I am a Freshman at Sacramento State University. As an assignment for English, we were instructed to create our very own Blog. Here are a few things I'd like to share: I'm a Filipino American, born in Daly City, California, with an appetite for knowledge. I am currently on a journey to obtain a Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering. I'm very athletic and enjoy sports such as Basketball, Soccer, Football, Tennis, and Wrestling. I love sleeping just as much as I love eating. My favorite television shows are Sherlock, How I Met Your Mother, and Friends. Overall, I'm a pretty relaxed and honest individual who likes meeting new people. Hope you can stay entertained with my Late Night Blogs! This is Leonard Yalong signing off!!!


  1. Hi Leonard! Im Shristi!

    I really like how you put "Late Nights with Leonard". I thinks its creative. I enjoy soccer too. What's your favorite team? I like watching Friends too. My favorite character would have to be Joey. I think he's hilarious. I enjoyed reading your blog!

    1. Thanks for reading my blog! My favorite team is FC Barcelona and I agree Joey is hilarious. He's my favorite character along with Rachel.

  2. Hey Leonard! It's Brandy :)

    I love the title of your blog! It's catchy and really creative. I'm from the Bay Area too! Well, the East Bay, in a small town called San Ramon. I'm also Filipino American! I can't wait to read the rest of your blog. ^.^

  3. You Definitely just made me step my blog game up with this layout . We share the same athletic hobbies so i wonder if we've ever came across each other at the well. As far as television, i started How i Met Your Mother but by the 3rd season i grew restless and just read the spoiler online :(...

  4. We have so much in common, everything you listed except for wrestling, I play all the time. I play tennis in high school, all 4 years. I would consider myself to be pretty decent, maybe we can play sometimes.
