Have you ever heard the phrase; "Back in my day, we didn't have this kind of technology but we had (enter memories from childhood)"? I've always found it fascinating how far we've developed as a society in terms of technology. The "phrase" used by most adults, elderly, and teenagers shows how times have changed. No longer will kids be seen walking around will Walkmans or DynaTAC cell phones but rather the newest in technology, such as the popular I phones and Samsung Galaxy. The capabilities of this new technology are endless, but is there a hidden cost to this luxury?
To some people, the thought of having the whole internet in the palm of their hand is mind blowing. People have marveled at the endless array of information posted on websites, blogs, and social media. According to an online article by William McCoy, a publisher for smallbusiness.chron.com, the technology of today affects societies in a positive way. Students are able to use their laptop or computer to research any information for school anywhere, and at any given time. Students are able to access social media and communicate with fellow students in attempts to answer questions. Technology allows us to be all connected in some way shape or form. No longer are people "in the dark" of what happens around the state, country and entire world.
With all those positive effects technology has on society, many people are ecstatic, what could possibly go wrong? Some people believe that the repetitive use of this technology has resulted in society becoming dependent of it. There is an addiction that people can't seem to shake off, these addictions come in the forms of entertainment and social media. Society has become too concerned whether their photo has the most likes or their tweets have the most retweets. Students have been greatly affected by this new found accessory. Students no longer go to libraries to attain information, but rather risk credibility of their information by visiting sites and copying information. Students have begun taking advantage of technology in order to be done as quickly as possible.
Personally, I believe that people do abuse the use of technology in attempts to waste time or provide shortcuts. Although technology provides a vast amount of information, how much is actually creditable? Nowadays people will believe anything and as long as they cite the information, the information they use has validity. This is not the case and people need to understand that sometimes, technology can't be used for everything. Technology is also used as a media for entertainment. Students become distracted by social media, Youtube, and other websites, forgetting the task assigned before them. I can remember in high school, procrastinating on projects and focusing on what people posted on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. Technology has constantly advanced but at what cost? Leave your comments below on your thoughts about technology. That's all for tonight, this is Leonard Yalong, signing off!
You definitely made some very interesting in key points inis blog my friend. I couldn't agree more that this society has become so dependent on technology but i can't help but feel that that was the purpose of technology, to aid people. I mean theres a an app that allows you call for a ride when you have had a little to much to drink at a very little cost. Now that right there i know for a fact has prevented numerous accidents form occurring. As far as entertainment and social media, sadly i am addicted as well. But it allows you to connect to people in various parts of the country. For example my parents can easily converse with my aunt in Texas and follow her daily life through Instagram and Facebook post. Now of course there are the downsides like kids in classrooms who can't look away from their phones. But i feel everything has its negative effects and its the balance between them that really determines if its helping us or crippling us.
ReplyDeleteInteresting post, Leonard. It's weird that I'm now one of those people that can say, "Back in my day...." Personal computers, email, cellphones, the Internet - that all started for me in college so I guess I had a very different childhood than my students. I think it was actually a lot easier to do research and write a paper before the Internet - there is just too much stuff there and you can never feel like you've found exactly the right sources or enough - there's always more out there.
ReplyDeleteMy dad always talk about this with me. He always tell me that technology does more harm than good. Especially phone, since I talk to a lot of people, I tend to be on my phone a lot. My dad would always list negative effects on using a cell phone such as hurting your eyes and making you dumber.